9 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Lose Weight


Losing weight in a healthier way is important, and it is beneficial for us, but sometimes we are bored following the same timetable and sometimes it’s hard to follow, and sometimes we are degraded if our hard timetables do not create any impact on our fatness. 

The early stages of the weight-loss journey are frequently the most rewarding. Your motivation is high; you have a foolproof nutrition and exercise plan, and regular weigh-ins show that your hard work is paying off. However, as time passes, it is natural for that heightened enthusiasm to fade as setbacks such as weight-loss plateaus, cravings, and emotional eating occurs. 

Determine Why Do You Want To Lose Weight?

It’s clear the reason why you want to lose weight. And write them down, this will keep you committed and motivated to meet your weight loss objectives. 

Many people started losing weight just because of the doctor`s suggestion. But, research shows that people are more successful if their weight loss motivation comes from within. 

Stop Caring What Other People Think 

That may be the most important change to make in order to stay motivated. When someone is looking at you, you will almost always think negatively about that. 

What comes to mind are phrases like “she’s fat” and “she should start losing weight”, you never think it’s a good thing. This feeling really can be demotivating and discouraging.  So let go of all the negative things which happen to you, just focus on your healthier diet and relaxed your mind to get more positive taught it is so beneficial and helps to lose weight. 

Set the Right Goal

When it comes to losing weight, people frequently set a goal of losing a certain number of pounds in a certain amount of time. A typical outcome goal is your final target weight. 

However, concentrating only on an outcome objective may cause you to lose motivation; they can frequently cause you to feel apprehensive and too far away. 

Consider setting SMART goals to set strong goals, which SMART stands for.

  • Specific 

  • Measurable 

  • Achievable 

  • Realistic 

  • Time-based 

Here is also some examples of SMART goals include:

  • The following week, I’ll go for five days of brisk walking.

  • I eat four servings of vegetables and fruits every day this week.

  • I will only drink soda one time this week.

Select a Plan That Fits On Your Lifestyle

Browse a weight-loss plan that you are stricken to follow, and avoid those that could be impossible to follow in the long term. Hence, there are a lot of different diets; most are based on cutting calories.

Reducing your calorie intake helps to weight lose, but dieting, especially frequent yo-yo dieting, is a predictor of future weight gain. 

The following dietary habits have been proven to help you lose weight

  • Decreasing calorie intake 

  • Reducing portion sizes

  • Reducing fried food and desserts 

  • Including fruits and vegetables

Maintain Weight Loss Diary

The success and motivation of weight loss depend heavily on self-monitoring. According to the research, people who keep track of their food intake are more likely to lose weight and keep it off. 

However, you must note every meal you consume in order to maintain a proper food journal. Meals, snacks, and candy you stole from a coworker’s desk all fall under this category. 

Celebrate Your Achievements

Since, losing weight is challenging, acknowledge your accomplishments to keep yourself inspired. When you succeed in a goal, reward yourself. You can also share your accomplishments and find support on social media or weight loss websites with community pages. Your motivation will rise when you feel good about yourself. 

Here are some best and most good examples of rewards. 

  • Getting a manicure 

  • Going to a movie

  • Buying a new running top

  • Taking cooking classes 

Find a Social Support

To stay motivated, people require ongoing encouragement and positive reinforcement. In order for them to support you on your journey, let your close family and friends know about your weight loss objectives. 

Additionally, think about joining a support group. It has been demonstrated that support groups, both offline and online, are helpful. 

Make a Commitment

According to the research, people who publicly committed their support are more likely to stick to their resolutions. 

You will be more likely to stick with your own plans if you let others know about them. Inform your close relatives and friends, and you might even think about posting them on social media. Accountability increases as you share your goals with more people. 

Remember in your mind, making a public commitment to lose weight will also help you stay motivated and hold you accountable. 

Think and Speak Optimistically 

A person who wants to get rid of negative thoughts should think and speak optimistically. People tend to lose more weight when they have optimistic expectations and feel confident they can accomplish their goals. 

Start promising your weight loss in a positive way. Additionally, commit your thoughts aloud and discuss the actions you plan to take. However, studies show that people who spend a lot of time daydreaming about getting to their ideal weight are less likely to succeed. This is referred to as indulging mentally. 

Think and always talk positively about your weight loss goals, but also make sure you are realistic and concentrate on the steps you need to take to get there.